The Young Parents AOD Toolbox provides easily accessible and effective information for the supporters and carers of young families and substance use.
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13 years of practice wisdom
The content of this Toolbox has been created using our evidence-based knowledge about what works with young people experiencing problematic substance use. This has been combined with the practice wisdom ...

Common misconceptions
Some practitioners feel daunted by the responsibility of supporting a young person who may be pregnant or parenting, who is also using drugs or alcohol. They may feel they do not have the necessary expertise or it ...

Substance use and parenting
Young people, especially those who have had adverse life experiences, may find the responsibilities and pressure of parenting overwhelming at times. This is why the supports and resources around them need to be in place prior ...

Child and family inclusive care
This Toolbox, and the Young Parents Project (YPP) that informs it, comes from a practice approach that strives to include the child, the parent (young person) and their family in all aspects of care planning and support ...